R164-14-2v– MJDS – Secondary Trading Rule Exemption


(1) The Division finds that continued registration is not necessary or appropriate for the protection of investors in any class of a Canadian issuer's security which has been offered pursuant to Section 61-1-9 and MJDS through a registration statement on SEC Form F-8, F-9 or F-10 declared effective by the SEC and the Division.

(2) Accordingly, any non-issuer transaction, effected by or through a licensed broker-dealer, involving such a security shall be exempt from registration.

Division Interpretive Commentary

This exemption was created by rule under the discretionary authority of section 61-1-14(2)(v). The text of the rule may be found at R164-14-2v .

This rule provides a secondary trading exemption for securities offered by Canadian issuers which have been offered in the United States pursuant to MJDS through a registration statement on SEC Form F-8, F-9 or F-10 declared effective by the SEC. This exemption is self-executing.